This is a tool that I recently got from my spirit guides as a way to kick off my new year. It is an exercise in drawing your boundaries, holding the energy of your values steady, and infusing your life (or any aspect of your life) with that energy.

Here is the one suggested “process,” but as always, this is open to tweaking, as you’ll see further below:

  1. It helps to begin with a list of values that you already hold in your life. (Did you do your December homework?) 😉 If not, take the time to write down a handful of values such as (to name my current top 5): joy, freedom, integrity, love, and curiosity. (For those who were around for this discussion, can you spot a minor change in my list?)
  2. Turn inward and feel yourself seated at the center of a circle. This circle can symbolize your entire life, or just a certain aspect of it (e.g., your professional life, your love life, etc.). Envision the boundaries of your circle. Make this circle as big or as small as feels right to you.
  3. Begin to focus on one value at a time. Using the same skills we used in “home frequency,” begin turning the mental concept of your value into a visceral memory, and then a bodily experience.
  4. Once you feel the energy full and steady in your body, begin to bring it outside your body (as you did with the energy of your personal sun!) and infuse your circle with it.
  5. Once that feels complete to you, move on to the next value and repeat steps 3 and 4.
  6. When you are done, take some time to sit in the energy of your circle that is infused with all your values.
  7. Return to the room and open your eyes.

If you are learning to do a specific and established form of energy work for the very first time (i.e., a specific form of meditation, a specific approach to Reiki healing, or of opening the Akashic Records), I recommend sticking to the prescribed process for a certain amount of time. Most of the tools I share, however, are highly adaptable. You may want to try something out the way I recommend it, but you will soon get a feel for how you want to adapt it (or whether it is even right for you). Go with your intuition. What is important is the intention you set for the exercise and the focus you can keep on the energy.

Suggestions for practice:

  • You may want to take the time to ground and center yourself beforehand using any of the tools we’ve learned (e.g., balance between Heaven and Earth) or any other method at your disposal (e.g., working with a crystal, flower essence, or essential oil).
  • If you work with spirit guides you can ask for their support. Sometimes (but not all the time!) I do this exercise partly or fully in my Akashic Records. Sometimes I just ask for the words to use and do the rest of the exercise on my own, other times I’ll do everything, soup to nuts, within the Records.
  • Your list of values may change and that’s okay! A longer list is not “better” than a short one.
  • Play around with how you come up with your list. Instead of working from your mind, let your heart lead. Or, to work even more intuitively, let each value come to you in the moment as you practice.
  • The size of your circle can and will change. I learned rather quickly to make my circle smaller because it was a lot easier to fill! with practice, I enlarged my circle (not because the goal was to make the circle as big as possible, but to make the circle as big as felt right in the moment).
  • If any distractions come up, let them pass and bring yourself back to center. If they return repeatedly, try releasing them (e.g., sending them down through your grounding, creating and destroying a rose, etc.). When I found I was triggered by something, I put those thoughts into “baggage” that I created and left OUTSIDE the circle’s boundaries. I made a mental note to attend to that when the time’s right, and returned to the exercise.
  • There is no prescribed “optimal” time and frequency to spend on this exercise. Personally, I wanted to go through it slowly the first time around so I could establish the energy “well.” I spent 1 hour and 45 minutes in meditation and ended up exhausted for the next two days. I learned my lesson! Sometimes I spend 40 minutes on this, sometimes only 5. Sometimes it’s one of the first things I do in my day, but sometimes I can’t get to it till the middle of my day. (I have never done this at night because I am usually too tired and can’t focus as well.)
  • You don’t need a pristine physical space to do this exercise. To start, I recommend trying this out seated in a quiet space, but I’ve done this in bed right when I wake up, I’ve done it in the shower, and I’ve done this on a crowded train. I like to mix things up!
  • I build this dynamism into my practice with Beginner’s Mind. Until I actually do this practice, I do not assume I know what my list of words will be, what my circle will look like, how long it will take, or whether anything out of the ordinary will happen. (One time a tree appeared just outside the boundary of the circle.) Let the experience be what it will.
  • As always, remember to be mindful of how this affecting you on all PEMS levels during and after the exercise.
  • Give yourself rest as needed and drink lots of water!

Questions for reflection

(Feel free to comment below or print out this page to journal privately.)

In this moment, what are some of the values you would like to infuse in your life (in general and/or in a certain aspect)? How did you come up with this particular list?

What does your circle look like? How big is it? What does the boundary look like? Do you notice anything else around you and your circle?

What does it feel like to fill your body with each value?

What does it feel like to fill your circle with each value?

Describe the circumstances when you first did this exercise alone. What time of day was it? What were your physical surroundings like at the time? How long did you spend on each value / in total?

Is there anything else of note? E.g., Did you run into any challenges or difficulties? Did you notice certain thoughts or distractions repeating? Were certain values easier to embody than others? Did you notice anything or anyone else in or around your circle?

What do you think you would you do differently next time?


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