Humility in the Process

Back in 2020 I stopped blogging anything of substance not because I had ceased to learn and reflect on my personal evolutionary dynamic, but because I had started studying astrology, which was showing me was just how exquisitely unique each of us is. When I first emerged from the period I referred to as my “dark night of the soul”—the years following the death of a parent and my burnout from youth work—I shared everything Read more…

The space in between

The school of Mystery & Mastery is back in session, and there is so much I want to share about it, beginning with the guidance that came in right before our inaugural gathering. When I asked what was important for me to know or share with the group, I got the nudge to research two numbers: the distance between a nucleus and the electron cloud that surrounds it, and the distance between the sun and Read more…


I was a bit surprised to see the word “devotion” pop out at the end of my last post because it’s not something I choose to write about often. Maybe I’ve mentioned it once before, but devotion feels quite intimate, so I tend to keep it under wraps. Yet soon after posting, I ran into the word in a book I’m reading, and took it as a sign I should elaborate more. There is an Read more…

Your center is your place of balance

This is how you know you’ve really established a strong, solid connection with your center: you are able to remain in balance through transition or come back into balance relatively quickly and easily after major change. This is why I keep telling people this is not merely about relaxing or self care. That is just scratching the surface of what you are really able to do when you connect to your breath. This is also Read more…

Finding your center through your breath

When I first started my practice I focused on breathing into points or what you might call the chakras. Yet as my practice evolved, all the points started connecting into one and eventually I realized that this central pillar of light that I’d been building, day after day, breath after breath, was really where it was at. Your divine center is your place of strength and stability. It is your power source, where you plug Read more…

The balancing act of Be-ing your Self

Been thinking a lot about the supremely paradoxical balancing act it takes just to be your Self: balance between receptivity and creativity, between release and expansion, between action and doing absolutely nothing. It requires the double-sightedness of regarding yourself as forever a work-in-progress, yet one that is nevertheless always already a perfect expression of your unique life force. It is understanding that you are an infinite, eternal being whose very nature is change. It is Read more…

Be-ing in uncertainty

I’ve been feeling this message building for some time now but it’s taken me awhile to get around to it because it feels so weighty, as if I could write endlessly and still not fully transmit the essence of it. Yet this morning I woke up with the knowing that it’s time, so here goes. For the past few months, when asked how I’ve been, I’ve mostly just shrugged because it’s largely felt like “business Read more…

Hold your center

Yesterday morning the first thing that entered my consciousness was a blast of mixed emotions. The next thing that entered my consciousness was the fact that I was still in dream state. As pure awareness, I was traveling the world and experiencing the thoughts and feelings of the collective. Here were those mourning their dead, those who were stressed over work and finances, those sitting with that empty feeling of having accomplished nothing this year, Read more…

The promise of patience

With the changing of the seasons I’ve been spending more time tending my houseplants than my garden. I’ve been watching—with utmost patience—fallen leaves form new leaves from the wound. I’ve been seeing how new growth unfurls in a spiraling motion. I’ve been marveling at how new life depends upon the passing of the old, how the part always carries the potential expression of the whole. I’ve been spending a lot of time just sitting with Read more…

Shedding restriction

t’s been an intense last few days. On my heart and mind has been the idea of breathing more space into restriction, and just the other day, as I was cleaning up my rock garden, I spotted a really long snakeskin. My husband and I had just been remarking how we’ve been missing our garden snakes. I guess they’ve been laying low (I suppose even lower than usual), undergoing their sacred rite of regeneration. Snakes Read more…