The two most important questions to ask are “Who am I?” and “Who am I becoming?”
Since 2012 Minds On Fire has been providing individuals and groups with playful tools and safe space to come into wholeness and show up for life with courage, compassion, and curiosity.
Innovative youth programs were my first offerings. My mission, then as now, was to hold space for people in transition so they could step more fully into their power and continually meet life on ever higher ground.
I have gradually expanded my audience over the years. Although my youth development work was always crafted with an eye to the caring adults around them, I began supporting youth development colleagues and other social justice oriented professionals through Dreamers & Schemers.
More recently, Minds On Fire has been offering individuals opportunities to get to know their brilliant system. I work with a range of subtle energy modalities, from intuitive readings, to energy healings and attunements, to playful explorations of the Akashic Records, and co-creating with galactic and Earth energies. Further learning is also available through group study and individual mentoring.
Although many people have been part of this journey over the years, Minds On Fire was born of my singular vision, and its growth and evolution directly reflects my own personal path. Every apparent transformation is less a reinvention than a deepening and expansion of Self.
The name “Minds On Fire” came to me through the whispers of intuition, and it captured perfectly that feeling of being so impassioned that the mind takes flight. Back then, I trained my focus on aligning the intellectual mind with the heart to achieve that effect. I am only just beginning to understand the limitless possibilities of aligning with Higher Mind and integrating the multidimensional Self.
Fire remains the primary element of my work, as it stands and supports us at the inflection point where we release and transmute the old to clear fertile ground for the new. Fire’s greatest ally is air, that expansive element of open hearts and minds.
Come heal, explore, and play with me!
—Ysette Guevara, PhD