Photo credit: Brian Rowe I’ve been sharing the details of my own engagement with this process of using a paired mantra and intention for manifestation and transformation because I want to show how it all arises organically from one’s life circumstances. This isn’t about the mind deciding what seems “good” or impressive or convenient to have, Read more…

We belong to the wildness of the world

At the end of January and early this month my sleep schedule went out of whack. I’d either find myself sleepless until 3:00 or 4:00am, or if I managed to fall asleep at a reasonable hour, I’d inevitably wake up around those times. During that period I had been feeling a lot of unfamiliar energies coming in and they were keeping me up at night. I wasn’t alarmed because I had been working with an intention to open to new energies since the beginning of the year, but I did want to figure out how to make the process a little more comfortable.

I checked with my Akashic Records and they suggested I stop trying to understand the energies, because I was giving myself headaches attempting to analyze every little bit coming through. Ah, my mind was up to its old tricks! My Records recommended surrendering to the flow and trusting that I would be aware of whatever I need to when the timing’s right. (more…)

What is a quality Akashic Record reading? 4/6: STILLNESS

If you’ve been following this series, you already know that I aim to provide quality rather than the moving target of accuracy when I offer Akashic Record readings. I will eventually explain what I mean about the pit-falls of “accuracy,” but for now, I’m working through the elements I strive to include in every reading. They are:

  • Purity of intention of reader (allowing client’s intention to drive the reading)
  • Presence (reader shows up fully without external concerns)
  • Peace and stillness (of the reading environment, both external and internal to the reader)
  • Open mind (humility, beginner’s mind, discernment)
  • Open heart http://mindsonfire.org/2017/08/17/what-is-a-quality-akashic-record-reading-66-open-heart/(courage, trust in the flow, joy of discovery)

In this post I talk about how to bring peace and stillness into a reading. Much of the advice I gave about being fully present applies to this topic, so if you haven’t already, I encourage you to read that post, as well. Peace and stillness, indeed, facilitate this quality of presence in the reader. There are several ways to establish this. (more…)

What is a quality Akashic Record reading? 2/6: INTENTION

In the previous post I began to explain that I aim for quality rather than accuracy (because accuracy is a moving target in energy readings), and I enumerated a few elements that I make every effort to bring to every reading I offer. They are as follows:

In this post I will talk about intention, which is fundamental to all forms of energy work, but arguably more so in an Akashic Record reading because it is really driven by the questions of the seeker.* (more…)

What is a quality Akashic Record reading? 1/6

For reasons that will become clearer in later posts, accuracy in Akashic Record readings is not so straightforward. Sometimes clients compliment me by proclaiming that so much of what I brought through is “accurate” because it confirmed other readings they’ve received from psychics, tarot readers, or astrologers, etc. I always find it interesting when that comes up, but frankly, it doesn’t really factor into my own self-assessment. Although no client so far has protested that my reading contradicted other readings, if I did receive that feedback, it would certainly give me pause, but it would not automatically lead to self-indictment.

I don’t want to seem dismissive of the notion of “accuracy,” because Akashic Record readers trade in truth. In later posts I will treat the matter of truth and accuracy more deeply (and also the habit of self-indictment, for all you aspiring intuitive readers out there!), but for now let’s table that and focus on quality. Because ultimately it is quality that I aim for, rather than accuracy, because when it comes to energy readings, accuracy is a moving target.

In the interest of transparency, I want to share what I mean by quality by going through the elements that I look for when it comes to assessing my own readings. Here I will limit myself to listing these characteristics with brief parenthetical descriptions. Then in later posts I’ll explain how each aspect contributes to the quality of a reading.



For the last two months I’d been wondering why integration has been such a challenge for me this year. I experienced this most acutely in my Akashic Records work and in my aerial work and training. I knew I was making progress, but it didn’t look like the sort of progress I was expecting, and all the new skills and strength I was developing didn’t seem to be coming together into a coherent whole.

Yesterday, as I was preparing myself to do work in the Records, it hit me: All this learning around integration keeps coming to me because I set the intention, at the beginning of the year, to integrate all that I had learned last year. I had also set a second intention to help others integrate their work with me into their daily lives.

Of course integration is the work in front of me now. I did a ton of learning last year, I’m doing a ton of learning now, and it takes a long time for all that to settle into body, mind, and heart.

From my Question Journal practice, Akashic Records work, and in the context of leading Dreamers & Schemers, I know very well that I teach what I need to learn, I learn what I want to teach, and I always get what I ask for. The gifts rarely look as I expect them to, but those are the best kind. Why did I torture myself by falling into expectation, attachment, and doubt?

For a bit more insight I drew a soul card and was faced with this image: (more…)