What is a quality Akashic Record reading? 6/6: OPEN HEART

After a detour into the discerning mind‘s role in Akashic Record readings, we finally come to the last post on this series on the elements of a quality Akashic Record reading:


Open heart is perhaps my favorite aspect of a reading. I consider everything we’ve been discussing thus far as simply laying the groundwork. With open mind we begin to open to possibility, but the deepening of that possibility (and the pure joy that accompanies that process) comes with the ability to maintain an open heart.* The heart, not the mind, is what moves us through fear and doubt. It is the source of our courage.


What is a quality Akashic Record reading? 5b/6: DISCERNING MIND

This is an addendum to my last post about the quality of open mind, and it also addresses much of what I wrote about presence earlier in this series about what elements go into a quality Akashic Record reading. While the ability to release or at least temporarily put aside the chattering of the mind is critical to ensuring a quality reading, I did not want to leave you with the impression that the mind does not play any role in a reading.

To the contrary, your mind is a fine instrument that the Records will, indeed, use to every advantage. Part of this is in how the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones will send you images that will stimulate your existing store of knowledge. (An example of this in my work is when they send colors. Those often—thought not always—relate to certain chakra centers.) This is a really interesting topic in itself, and will surely give more examples in the future.

But what I’m more concerned with today is how the mind is a complementary and equal partner to the receptive faculties of the reader. I cannot speak for trance channels,* but as a conscious channel, I most definitely employ my mind to make dozens and dozens of decisions during a reading. Offering a reading requires a constant dance between receptivity and activity, between yin and yang. I receive the flow through my awareness, but it does not get transmitted to the client without my active participation in the flow.

Under the best circumstances, the flow of a reading is an open dynamic between a seeker, the Records, and a reader. The reader is a go-between and interpreter in this sacred event, but is also its conductor in the fullest sense of the word. The conductor is not merely a passive conduit; she also orchestrates the entire interaction. While the seeker’s intention structures the backbone of the reading, part of how the reader fleshes it out is by being discerning in her choices and actions. (more…)

What is a quality Akashic Record reading? 5/6: OPEN MIND

I’ve been writing about how it’s important to assess an Akashic Record reading with a view to certain dynamic qualities, rather than along static notions of “accuracy.” I’m saving the discussion on accuracy as a moving target for a later post so that I can lay out the qualities that I think are most important for me as a reader to bring to any reading. If you are new to this series, you can start here, at the first post in the series. Otherwise, here is an overview of what we have covered so far, and where we are headed.


In this series I’m primarily concerned with the reader’s responsibilities for providing a quality reading, rather than the client’s role in all this. As I mentioned in my post about intention, although the seeker’s intention definitely plays a part in the reading—muddy intentions will make it more difficult to find the flow to focus on—it is not the reader’s job to “direct” the reading in any way. This can be very frustrating, because as a reader you can definitely get a sense of certain directions that feel like untapped treasure troves of guidance, and you will think, “If only she would go there.” “If only he would ask a follow up question on this.” But remember: it’s not your reading!

It is a similar case for presence. The reader ultimately takes responsibility for holding the space (for discovery, healing, change, infinite possibility) regardless of how the client shows up. If you hold your own energy steady, and continually tap into the peace and stillness within, then you will find that you will have more than enough room for whatever difficult emotions are coming up on the other end, and they won’t throw you off center as they move in and out of that space.*

Today I am moving on to the quality of open mind. As above, I will comment briefly on the part of the client and then shift my focus primarily on the reader. To be clear, a seeker does not need to have blind faith in the power of the Akashic Records or a firm grasp of what they even are to receive a reading. But he does have to be open to the idea that it might be possible to make this sort of connection, and curious enough to suspend even a bit of his initial doubt, disbelief, skepticism, or cynicism. (Curiosity or flat out desperation, by the way, go a long way in opening people’s minds.) But I only have permission to open the Records of a willing participant. So if someone does not say Yes to this journey, then it’s a no go.**

So, as a reader, what do I have control over? Why, my openness of mind, of course.


What is a quality Akashic Record reading? 4/6: STILLNESS

If you’ve been following this series, you already know that I aim to provide quality rather than the moving target of accuracy when I offer Akashic Record readings. I will eventually explain what I mean about the pit-falls of “accuracy,” but for now, I’m working through the elements I strive to include in every reading. They are:

  • Purity of intention of reader (allowing client’s intention to drive the reading)
  • Presence (reader shows up fully without external concerns)
  • Peace and stillness (of the reading environment, both external and internal to the reader)
  • Open mind (humility, beginner’s mind, discernment)
  • Open heart http://mindsonfire.org/2017/08/17/what-is-a-quality-akashic-record-reading-66-open-heart/(courage, trust in the flow, joy of discovery)

In this post I talk about how to bring peace and stillness into a reading. Much of the advice I gave about being fully present applies to this topic, so if you haven’t already, I encourage you to read that post, as well. Peace and stillness, indeed, facilitate this quality of presence in the reader. There are several ways to establish this. (more…)

What is a quality Akashic Record reading? 3/6: PRESENCE

I’ve been writing about how it serves me well to aim for quality rather than “accuracy” in Akashic Record readings. With accuracy being a moving target, I measure the integrity of my work according to the degree to which I can weave the following elements into a reading:

In the previous post I discussed how the reader’s intention is what drives the reading, while my job simply is to get out of the way and follow that lead. Another aspect of a quality Akashic Record reading is presence. In the best of all worlds, a client would be present to what’s going on in his internal and external life. But if that were always the case, there would scarcely be a need for a reading! Even when a client seems to be unconscious of certain dynamics in his life, what is more important is for the reader to be fully present to all the flows of energy in the reading. This includes (but is not limited to): the flow of energy from the client’s Records, the motion of the client in response to what’s coming out in the reading, and also (recalling the earlier point about intention), what’s going on for the reader herself in terms of the doubts, fears, basic human curiosity, opinions, and other forms of mental chatter that inevitably pop up in a reading.

For me, personally, there are lots of things that can get in the way of my ability to offer a quality reading, but I suspect I am not alone in this. Here are the big ones for me: (more…)

What is a quality Akashic Record reading? 2/6: INTENTION

In the previous post I began to explain that I aim for quality rather than accuracy (because accuracy is a moving target in energy readings), and I enumerated a few elements that I make every effort to bring to every reading I offer. They are as follows:

In this post I will talk about intention, which is fundamental to all forms of energy work, but arguably more so in an Akashic Record reading because it is really driven by the questions of the seeker.* (more…)

What is a quality Akashic Record reading? 1/6

For reasons that will become clearer in later posts, accuracy in Akashic Record readings is not so straightforward. Sometimes clients compliment me by proclaiming that so much of what I brought through is “accurate” because it confirmed other readings they’ve received from psychics, tarot readers, or astrologers, etc. I always find it interesting when that comes up, but frankly, it doesn’t really factor into my own self-assessment. Although no client so far has protested that my reading contradicted other readings, if I did receive that feedback, it would certainly give me pause, but it would not automatically lead to self-indictment.

I don’t want to seem dismissive of the notion of “accuracy,” because Akashic Record readers trade in truth. In later posts I will treat the matter of truth and accuracy more deeply (and also the habit of self-indictment, for all you aspiring intuitive readers out there!), but for now let’s table that and focus on quality. Because ultimately it is quality that I aim for, rather than accuracy, because when it comes to energy readings, accuracy is a moving target.

In the interest of transparency, I want to share what I mean by quality by going through the elements that I look for when it comes to assessing my own readings. Here I will limit myself to listing these characteristics with brief parenthetical descriptions. Then in later posts I’ll explain how each aspect contributes to the quality of a reading.