Internal timing

Yesterday I wrote about the idea of simply showing up to life as a way of escaping the survive/thrive duality. Today I want to get very concrete about how to ground or integrate this energy in your life. Obviously, if you are truly in a survival situation—and I mean one Read more…

Healing blowback

A funny thing happens when we start or intensify a healing process. The initial shifts we make might feel great, if slightly uncomfortable, but after a period of elation, at some point down the road shit hits the fan. It might even feel like you are backsliding. Let me tell Read more…


For the last two months I’d been wondering why integration has been such a challenge for me this year. I experienced this most acutely in my Akashic Records work and in my aerial work and training. I knew I was making progress, but it didn’t look like the sort of progress I was expecting, and all the new skills and strength I was developing didn’t seem to be coming together into a coherent whole.

Yesterday, as I was preparing myself to do work in the Records, it hit me: All this learning around integration keeps coming to me because I set the intention, at the beginning of the year, to integrate all that I had learned last year. I had also set a second intention to help others integrate their work with me into their daily lives.

Of course integration is the work in front of me now. I did a ton of learning last year, I’m doing a ton of learning now, and it takes a long time for all that to settle into body, mind, and heart.

From my Question Journal practice, Akashic Records work, and in the context of leading Dreamers & Schemers, I know very well that I teach what I need to learn, I learn what I want to teach, and I always get what I ask for. The gifts rarely look as I expect them to, but those are the best kind. Why did I torture myself by falling into expectation, attachment, and doubt?

For a bit more insight I drew a soul card and was faced with this image: (more…)