For reasons that will become clearer in later posts, accuracy in Akashic Record readings is not so straightforward. Sometimes clients compliment me by proclaiming that so much of what I brought through is “accurate” because it confirmed other readings they’ve received from psychics, tarot readers, or astrologers, etc. I always find it interesting when that comes up, but frankly, it doesn’t really factor into my own self-assessment. Although no client so far has protested that my reading contradicted other readings, if I did receive that feedback, it would certainly give me pause, but it would not automatically lead to self-indictment.
I don’t want to seem dismissive of the notion of “accuracy,” because Akashic Record readers trade in truth. In later posts I will treat the matter of truth and accuracy more deeply (and also the habit of self-indictment, for all you aspiring intuitive readers out there!), but for now let’s table that and focus on quality. Because ultimately it is quality that I aim for, rather than accuracy, because when it comes to energy readings, accuracy is a moving target.
In the interest of transparency, I want to share what I mean by quality by going through the elements that I look for when it comes to assessing my own readings. Here I will limit myself to listing these characteristics with brief parenthetical descriptions. Then in later posts I’ll explain how each aspect contributes to the quality of a reading.