Quiet communication

Yesterday I began to write about the initiatory experience I had with a tree in my neighborhood park. Today I’d like to share a bit of how I communicate with it, because it doesn’t look anything like how I’d imagined it would be. To me it still feels extraordinary, but I happen to know a lot of folks who talk to trees and have trees talk right back to them quite matter-of-factly. This may happen spontaneously on a hike, or a friendship might form over a period of years in someone’s backyard, and there are even cases when communication takes place over a great distance with a tree whom the person knows from memory or even just a photograph. My communication with this tree, by contrast, is wordless. Let me be clear. It’s not that we speak to each other telepathically; we don’t “talk” at all. To better explain this wordless communication, I have to rewind a bit and share a bit of backstory not just with trees, but my intuitive development in general. (more…)

We belong to the wildness of the world

At the end of January and early this month my sleep schedule went out of whack. I’d either find myself sleepless until 3:00 or 4:00am, or if I managed to fall asleep at a reasonable hour, I’d inevitably wake up around those times. During that period I had been feeling a lot of unfamiliar energies coming in and they were keeping me up at night. I wasn’t alarmed because I had been working with an intention to open to new energies since the beginning of the year, but I did want to figure out how to make the process a little more comfortable.

I checked with my Akashic Records and they suggested I stop trying to understand the energies, because I was giving myself headaches attempting to analyze every little bit coming through. Ah, my mind was up to its old tricks! My Records recommended surrendering to the flow and trusting that I would be aware of whatever I need to when the timing’s right. (more…)

Customizing a call to the four directions

Upon returning from my trip to Peru, I started a practice of calling to the four directions because doing so engaged my heart, got me immediately grounded and centered, and made me feel embraced in a very supportive atmosphere. I got really curious about it because I noticed that the way my shaman opened sacred space seemed a little different from the method attributed to the Q’ero (here in Spanish and in English). This makes sense considering that practice is rooted in various indigenous communities around the Americas, so there isn’t one consistent way of going about this. I noticed that where people started their circle (some in the East, others in the South), and also what they called in (animals, plants, elements, attributes) differed depending on how a tradition constructs its medicine wheel. Aside from the First Nations of North America, versions of this prayer practice is also found in among Andean, Mayan, Nordic, Siberian, and Celtic communities, as well.

Faced with all this variety, I got a little overwhelmed. When I asked my Akashic Records about the best way for me to go about doing this for myself, they responded that I should keep doing what I was doing: letting my curiosity lead me to different versions of the prayer, trying each one out, and noticing what portions of each prayer seem to connect to my heart. They said that eventually I would find my very own way of doing it. (more…)

What is a quality Akashic Record reading? 4/6: STILLNESS

If you’ve been following this series, you already know that I aim to provide quality rather than the moving target of accuracy when I offer Akashic Record readings. I will eventually explain what I mean about the pit-falls of “accuracy,” but for now, I’m working through the elements I strive to include in every reading. They are:

  • Purity of intention of reader (allowing client’s intention to drive the reading)
  • Presence (reader shows up fully without external concerns)
  • Peace and stillness (of the reading environment, both external and internal to the reader)
  • Open mind (humility, beginner’s mind, discernment)
  • Open heart http://mindsonfire.org/2017/08/17/what-is-a-quality-akashic-record-reading-66-open-heart/(courage, trust in the flow, joy of discovery)

In this post I talk about how to bring peace and stillness into a reading. Much of the advice I gave about being fully present applies to this topic, so if you haven’t already, I encourage you to read that post, as well. Peace and stillness, indeed, facilitate this quality of presence in the reader. There are several ways to establish this. (more…)

What is a quality Akashic Record reading? 3/6: PRESENCE

I’ve been writing about how it serves me well to aim for quality rather than “accuracy” in Akashic Record readings. With accuracy being a moving target, I measure the integrity of my work according to the degree to which I can weave the following elements into a reading:

In the previous post I discussed how the reader’s intention is what drives the reading, while my job simply is to get out of the way and follow that lead. Another aspect of a quality Akashic Record reading is presence. In the best of all worlds, a client would be present to what’s going on in his internal and external life. But if that were always the case, there would scarcely be a need for a reading! Even when a client seems to be unconscious of certain dynamics in his life, what is more important is for the reader to be fully present to all the flows of energy in the reading. This includes (but is not limited to): the flow of energy from the client’s Records, the motion of the client in response to what’s coming out in the reading, and also (recalling the earlier point about intention), what’s going on for the reader herself in terms of the doubts, fears, basic human curiosity, opinions, and other forms of mental chatter that inevitably pop up in a reading.

For me, personally, there are lots of things that can get in the way of my ability to offer a quality reading, but I suspect I am not alone in this. Here are the big ones for me: (more…)