Trust yourself

Lately I’ve been sharing a client’s learning edge (showing up for life energetically crouched over, apologizing for her existence) and her mantra (“I’m here”), which shows her she doesn’t need to strive for anything and fills her with the feeling of freedom in flight. To round off her manifestation mantra Read more…

You can fly

I’ve been sharing a manifestation mantra process where someone saw that she was showing up to life in an apologetic, crouched position. Her Higher Self brought her to the top of the Himalayas and told her, “You’re already here.” She got that “I’m here” was the mantra she could use Read more…

I am here

Last week I shared how someone started off her manifestation mantra process by connecting to her Higher Self for her learning edge, which showed how she was showing up for life hunched over, apologizing for her existence. I then had her feel into the gap between her Higher Self and Read more…

Case study: Opening to possibility


I repeatedly tell my clients that an Akashic Record reading—at least the way that I offer it—is not predictive. The readings I offer call for your own engagement in the process, and to have any real effect on your life you will have to walk your path consciously, by making your own decisions rather than taking marching orders from on high. That said, sometimes it looks like a reading “predicted” something accurately. I’d like to share a story to look more closely into that phenomenon to show that it is actually the client’s doing, and not mine, when something the Records said “comes true.” (more…)