
I’ve been helping a private client connect to her heart, and one of the skills we were working on is discovering our truest desires. Sometimes we can barely admit to ourselves what these are, or we figure “why bother” because they seem so unattainable. For this client, the desire was happiness. Read more…


Here’s a small sign that you’ve disconnected from yourself: You’re in a group trying to decide where to eat and you’re like, “Wherever you want.” Maybe you’re thinking “I’m easy.” And that’s fine. But if you get to the restaurant and scan the menu and can’t figure out what you Read more…

Follow your heart

Here’s a cliché that’s so often misunderstood. “Follow your heart” does not mean hold onto the people who break your heart because you love them and deep down you see the goodness of their soul. “Follow your bliss” does not mean “do what makes you happy,” or that you have Read more…

We belong to the wildness of the world

At the end of January and early this month my sleep schedule went out of whack. I’d either find myself sleepless until 3:00 or 4:00am, or if I managed to fall asleep at a reasonable hour, I’d inevitably wake up around those times. During that period I had been feeling a lot of unfamiliar energies coming in and they were keeping me up at night. I wasn’t alarmed because I had been working with an intention to open to new energies since the beginning of the year, but I did want to figure out how to make the process a little more comfortable.

I checked with my Akashic Records and they suggested I stop trying to understand the energies, because I was giving myself headaches attempting to analyze every little bit coming through. Ah, my mind was up to its old tricks! My Records recommended surrendering to the flow and trusting that I would be aware of whatever I need to when the timing’s right. (more…)

Case study: Opening to possibility


I repeatedly tell my clients that an Akashic Record reading—at least the way that I offer it—is not predictive. The readings I offer call for your own engagement in the process, and to have any real effect on your life you will have to walk your path consciously, by making your own decisions rather than taking marching orders from on high. That said, sometimes it looks like a reading “predicted” something accurately. I’d like to share a story to look more closely into that phenomenon to show that it is actually the client’s doing, and not mine, when something the Records said “comes true.” (more…)