t’s been an intense last few days. On my heart and mind has been the idea of breathing more space into restriction, and just the other day, as I was cleaning up my rock garden, I spotted a really long snakeskin. My husband and I had just been remarking how Read more…
Like a seedling waiting to be put out after the last frost, all spring I’d been craving a day warm enough to spend fully outdoors. Yesterday I finally got my wish, and as I was staring at the sky admiring some swallows, I caught sight of a huge blur in Read more…
When I first started working with the Akashic Records, they used to tell me that even “outside” the Records I was being sent guidance in the form of signs. This literally brought me to tears of great frustration because at that point in my life I couldn’t discern any of it. Was this Read more…
Yesterday I posted about how an Akashic Record reading begins with a commitment to your intention to ask for and receive support around your questions and concerns. Energy starts shifting and answers may even arrive long before we hop on our call together. Today I wanted to share some of Read more…
Did you know that an Akashic Record reading begins right when you book and pay for a session? Such is the power of intention: Once you demonstrate your commitment to being open enough to ask for support and receive a higher perspective on your life, you send out the energy Read more…
At the end of January and early this month my sleep schedule went out of whack. I’d either find myself sleepless until 3:00 or 4:00am, or if I managed to fall asleep at a reasonable hour, I’d inevitably wake up around those times. During that period I had been feeling a lot of unfamiliar energies coming in and they were keeping me up at night. I wasn’t alarmed because I had been working with an intention to open to new energies since the beginning of the year, but I did want to figure out how to make the process a little more comfortable.
I checked with my Akashic Records and they suggested I stop trying to understand the energies, because I was giving myself headaches attempting to analyze every little bit coming through. Ah, my mind was up to its old tricks! My Records recommended surrendering to the flow and trusting that I would be aware of whatever I need to when the timing’s right. (more…)
The third eye is the sixth chakra, and it is located in the spot right above the middle of the eyebrows, though many also associate it with the pineal gland in the center of the head. Its color is indigo, its element is light, and it is the energy Read more…
Image: Tarot of the Hidden Realm Yesterday a great blue heron flew overhead, demonstrating his ability to soar even with a feather missing. It always feels like a miracle whenever herons cross my path. They like to fly over the Hudson, not just upstate, but also down by NYC and Read more…