The third eye is the sixth chakra, and it is located in the spot right above the middle of the eyebrows, though many also associate it with the pineal gland in the center of the head. Its color is indigo, its element is light, and it is the energy center for all things have to do with vision: intuition, dreaming, symbolic thought, visualization, imagination, dreaming, pattern recognition, perception, discernment, daydreaming, etc. Interestingly, its Sanskrit name is ajna, meaning both “to perceive” and “to command,” underscoring the fundamental role of visualization in manifestation. You have to be able to see it before you can make it happen.

This chakra’s fundamental right is the right to see, and its demon is illusion. As you might expect, when we are balanced in this center, we are connected to our intuition and trust what we see. We also have vivid dreams and strong dream recall, playful imaginations, facility in visualization exercises, and the ability to envision a future for ourselves. We are also able to recognize patterns and think symbolically, which means we are attuned to the signs that guide us on our path. We also take in art through the third eye. When art touches us, it does so at a level much deeper than rational thought.

When our third eyes are overactive, we might be prone to delusions and hallucinations. It is my  belief that a lot of people who end up institutionalized for mental health reasons have overactive sixth chakras. Their third eyes are so wide open that they pick up a lot of energy, but are unable to ground it.

By contrast, an underactive ajna leaves us feeling disconnected from our vision. Brain fog, clouded thought, denial, a lack of discernment, and the ability to see into the future. Art might leave us cold or confused because we are too much in our heads, trying to make sense of non-rational images.

To bring this energy center into balance, we can practice connecting to our intuition, keeping a dream journal, noticing signs and patterns in our lives, and taking time to let our imaginations roam. Drawing a daily tarot card is a great way to train yourself to see how symbols can reveal the deeper truths underlying our mundane existence.


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