Like a seedling waiting to be put out after the last frost, all spring I’d been craving a day warm enough to spend fully outdoors. Yesterday I finally got my wish, and as I was staring at the sky admiring some swallows, I caught sight of a huge blur in my periphery.
AN EAGLE! It was flying really low through the wooded area at the back of our property. (They usually hunt on the river below, but once I caught sight of a mom and two fledglings on one of our walnut trees.) I didn’t have my camera but after a couple minutes watching dumbstruck, I said, “Please hold on till I get my phone!” It was still doing its thing when I got back but I had a hard time getting snaps. You can kind of see it flying through the clearings in the tree. It does a U turn on the left and then flies out stage right.

At the end of the day I felt drawn to pick a tarot card (from the beautiful Golden Thread Tarot, which you can get as a free app), and drew the 7 of Pentacles. There is clear synchronicity between the eagle, the card, a video I saw, and some journaling in the sun yesterday. I now have my answer to a question I had been holding in my heart. I know my next move: Time to rebalance and reclaim my creativity instead of sitting back to receive inspiration.