I had definitely underestimated the gravity of moving from the city to our place upstate. The move happened so quickly and easily and it just felt right. House and garden projects have kept me busy as a happy bee, but over the last two weeks it got increasingly clear that I’d stepped into a huge flow of energy that was new, and I hadn’t yet found my balance in it. The feeling is of stepping into the sea, expecting to play in the shallows, and suddenly feeling the pull of the undertow.

Brian and I went on a hike this weekend to rebalance and reconnect. We spotted so many interesting trees on our walk, but there was only one that we both immediately felt the need to approach. Trees usually have messages for Brian, but for me the connection feels like being in the presence of a loved one where words aren’t needed. All I wanna do is give and receive love. Afterwards it feels a bit like receiving reiki, bodywork, or some other kind of healing that clears my mind and leaves me feeling more alive.

I used to think tree hugging was kinda weird, but now I totally get it. When I was feeling disoriented it was really hard for me to tap into my inner guidance, but now it feels like the pipes are cleaned out and I once more have clarity for my next steps forward.






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