
Here’s a small sign that you’ve disconnected from yourself: You’re in a group trying to decide where to eat and you’re like, “Wherever you want.” Maybe you’re thinking “I’m easy.” And that’s fine. But if you get to the restaurant and scan the menu and can’t figure out what you Read more…

August 2017 gathering



Even though everyone who showed up this month were Dreamers & Schemers veterans, it was really important for me to go over the agreements given the sensitive nature of the work we were going to do around the throat chakra and speaking our truth from the heart. I reminded everyone that we were there to honor ourselves and our own truth. We would be working at voicing our truth but also recognizing our current limits. We also agreed to honor others, and their truth, and honor their process, however that looked today. And we agreed that to honor beginner’s mind by seeing our truth as coming in the moment, rather than relying on what had been true for us in the past, or voicing what we think our truth “should” be according to our ego or external forces.



Everyone thought they’d dodged a bullet because we’d skipped over the questions last month in the interest of time. But this month saw the return of the repressed (mwahaha) and I put the questions I’d originally planned to them: When is it easy, medium, and hard for you to speak your truth? For easy, I also included scenarios where it might have been hard in the past, but with work it’s become easy. I played along, of course, so here are my answers: (more…)