
For the last two months I’d been wondering why integration has been such a challenge for me this year. I experienced this most acutely in my Akashic Records work and in my aerial work and training. I knew I was making progress, but it didn’t look like the sort of progress I was expecting, and all the new skills and strength I was developing didn’t seem to be coming together into a coherent whole.

Yesterday, as I was preparing myself to do work in the Records, it hit me: All this learning around integration keeps coming to me because I set the intention, at the beginning of the year, to integrate all that I had learned last year. I had also set a second intention to help others integrate their work with me into their daily lives.

Of course integration is the work in front of me now. I did a ton of learning last year, I’m doing a ton of learning now, and it takes a long time for all that to settle into body, mind, and heart.

From my Question Journal practice, Akashic Records work, and in the context of leading Dreamers & Schemers, I know very well that I teach what I need to learn, I learn what I want to teach, and I always get what I ask for. The gifts rarely look as I expect them to, but those are the best kind. Why did I torture myself by falling into expectation, attachment, and doubt?

For a bit more insight I drew a soul card and was faced with this image: (more…)