In process

I’ve been wondering why it’s been so challenging for me to get this post series out and yet feel the need to do this now instead of waiting for the flow, as I usually do. There is something here tied to what I’ve been going through and which also harkens Read more…


try to move forward to piece together everything I’ve been sitting with for the last couple months, but I find myself circling back, spiraling again, around an idea of then and now. I keep saying how 2018 was something of an inflection point for me. One of the biggest pieces Read more…

No urgency

For the last month I’ve been struggling to put into words how odd it’s been with my manifestation mantra process this year. Yesterday I mentioned how I started off years ago from a place of wanting to fix what seemed broken or fill what seemed missing. Then last year I Read more…

Mantra check-in

We’ve rounded out the first quarter of the year, and I’ve been taking stock of what my manifestation mantra has brought into my awareness and life thus far. My 2019 mantra is “to align myself with Source,” and it’s been been surprisingly different working with it. Not sure why I Read more…