Quiet communication

Yesterday I began to write about the initiatory experience I had with a tree in my neighborhood park. Today I’d like to share a bit of how I communicate with it, because it doesn’t look anything like how I’d imagined it would be. To me it still feels extraordinary, but I happen to know a lot of folks who talk to trees and have trees talk right back to them quite matter-of-factly. This may happen spontaneously on a hike, or a friendship might form over a period of years in someone’s backyard, and there are even cases when communication takes place over a great distance with a tree whom the person knows from memory or even just a photograph. My communication with this tree, by contrast, is wordless. Let me be clear. It’s not that we speak to each other telepathically; we don’t “talk” at all. To better explain this wordless communication, I have to rewind a bit and share a bit of backstory not just with trees, but my intuitive development in general. (more…)