Symphony of nature

This was a meditation I did in real life inspired by Willa Hillacrissing, and it was so delightful that I brought it into the Akashic Records to share with the Akashic Records Study Group. I’m pleased to report that everyone seemed to experience very similar benefits to the ones I felt doing it outdoors! Read more…

When you are lost in the woods

I’ve been slowly integrating the energy from the last Akashic Records study group call, and it’s been deliciously healing! We all showed up with huge questions, but when we connected to the Akashic Records as a group, we quickly found common ground, and the guidance each person brought forth resonated with each individual. Read more…

Sacred play

  (Image from the gorgeous Tarot of the Hidden Realm, one of my favorite tarot decks.) Our latest study circle brought wonderful new energy to the group dynamic! We learned to connect to the Akashic Records as collectively and the message to us was overwhelmingly in favor of bringing the Read more…

Love in the Akashic Records

When people learn to access their Akashic Records they come into conscious contact with the flow of their soul. For some it is a feeling of homecoming, like re-encountering something dear and familiar after a time of forgetting. For others, being held in a field of unconditional love an be so overwhelming it moves them to tears. Still for many, the very prospect of entering the realm of the infinite and eternal sets off so many triggers. Will I be able to do this? Am I imagining things? Am I worthy of standing in such sacred space? (more…)

Soft Focus

One of the techniques that is key to my Akashic Records practice is soft focus. Not all readers do this, but to me this means practicing with my eyes open. This throws many beginning practitioners for a loop because to a lot of people “going inward” automatically means “shutting the world out” by closing one’s eyes. But this is actually the opposite of what we wish to do when we connect with the Records. After all, we tap into the flow of the Akashic Records to expand, not limit, our consciousness, and when we open to them we make every effort to be just as aware of what seems to be going on “out there” as to what’s shifting in our bodies on the most physical terms.

This morning I turned to the Records to ask for more information about the significance of maintaining a soft gaze in our practice. (more…)

The Fool’s Journey

Late last November I was sitting in meditation and had the distinct feeling that I should drop everything I was working on and clear the decks. For what, I had no idea. This had been a growing sense at the margins of my awareness for a some weeks prior, but it hit me with a sudden force while I was meditating, and when I felt more consciously into it, my body felt an immediate sense of relief even though my mind was protesting. The message to wind down Dreamers & Schemers was clear, though for no good “reason” and with nothing to fill its place. (more…)