Is the Earth calling you? So many portals are opening up on the planet right now, or maybe it’s a coordinated effort because so many humans are opening up to their multidimensionality these days. When you are in nature, pay attention to the places that pull you near. It might not hold the most spectacular views, it might even be strewn with debris, but there will be something about it that will feel tangibly special.

There is a sacred grove by me that I just cannot stop thinking about. As you get closer to it, there is a hush that settles around you more palpably than silence. The energy there is so sweet, and feels connected to heart energy.

You don’t need to root around for a special spot. Set an intention to find one and then let it draw you close. If you like to spend time with trees, breathe consciously with them. Take your in breath from them and give them your out breath. Feel them doing the same for you. Keep your inner senses gently alert, and you will feel yourself exchanging knowing with them.

Yes, it is a two-way street. If you are called to a spot, you are there to be supported, to learn from the living library, and to serve. Open heart and mind and ask, “What am I to learn? How may I serve?” You may or may not get words. My husband always gets his downloads in intelligible language that he can apply immediately to his life (lucky him!), but I only get words when they’re needed. My receiving is more of the abstract sort—it might feel like an energy healing, or a bit of shapeshifting / merging into the tree, or a packet of knowing being transferred into my fields. Maybe your way is different (and I would love to hear about it)!

The Earth is calling you. You don’t need to travel to the major vortices to connect. Fall in love with a small, sacred place nearby and deepen your relationship with it. Who knows where that connection will take you? Happy exploring!

Categories: Uncategorized


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