Last year I started getting nudges to host “pop-up Akasha” events, and to be honest, I ignored them because I didn’t want to figure out the how and why—forgetting that that wasn’t my job. Last February things came to a head and I couldn’t ignore the call any longer, so I hosted a pop-up Akasha Mystery and Mastery gathering. I was super nervous beforehand even though I knew better not to be. It was just another invitation to find my center, surrender to mystery, and step into mastery. All that is usually being asked of me these days in my work with others is just to show up without (the need for) a plan.
This month I got another one of those nudges, and I walked into the gathering fully centered, even though I only had a vague idea of what I was to do. My inner guidance has me open sacred space a little differently each time, so I don’t have a set process to lean on. I never know just how much talking I’ll be doing, or what I’ll be saying, but I stay in trust and openness.
This month gave us an opportunity to sit in our centers and feel into the challenges that pull us away from it. Some of the interesting things that came up: How much of our identity is wrapped up in what we resist? How can we hold everything in our life—“good” and “bad”—in gentleness, without judgment, attachment, expectation, or urgency? And the biggie: What if nothing is actually wrong? (Go ahead and sit with that one. Pay attention to the parts that protest and to what can open up and shift if you let it.)
Thankful for this group, thankful for this space, thankful for all the opportunities to learn and grow.