Mystery & Mastery 1: Fields of light

MYSTERY & MASTERY is the next evolution of Dreamers & Schemers. We are what’s born in the dark, but we also move toward the light. Mystery & Mastery is about going inward to discover our expansive, radiant center. Mystery & Mastery is about showing up, stepping into our power, and living from our brilliant system.

What is a quality Akashic Record reading? 5/6: OPEN MIND

I’ve been writing about how it’s important to assess an Akashic Record reading with a view to certain dynamic qualities, rather than along static notions of “accuracy.” I’m saving the discussion on accuracy as a moving target for a later post so that I can lay out the qualities that I think are most important for me as a reader to bring to any reading. If you are new to this series, you can start here, at the first post in the series. Otherwise, here is an overview of what we have covered so far, and where we are headed.


In this series I’m primarily concerned with the reader’s responsibilities for providing a quality reading, rather than the client’s role in all this. As I mentioned in my post about intention, although the seeker’s intention definitely plays a part in the reading—muddy intentions will make it more difficult to find the flow to focus on—it is not the reader’s job to “direct” the reading in any way. This can be very frustrating, because as a reader you can definitely get a sense of certain directions that feel like untapped treasure troves of guidance, and you will think, “If only she would go there.” “If only he would ask a follow up question on this.” But remember: it’s not your reading!

It is a similar case for presence. The reader ultimately takes responsibility for holding the space (for discovery, healing, change, infinite possibility) regardless of how the client shows up. If you hold your own energy steady, and continually tap into the peace and stillness within, then you will find that you will have more than enough room for whatever difficult emotions are coming up on the other end, and they won’t throw you off center as they move in and out of that space.*

Today I am moving on to the quality of open mind. As above, I will comment briefly on the part of the client and then shift my focus primarily on the reader. To be clear, a seeker does not need to have blind faith in the power of the Akashic Records or a firm grasp of what they even are to receive a reading. But he does have to be open to the idea that it might be possible to make this sort of connection, and curious enough to suspend even a bit of his initial doubt, disbelief, skepticism, or cynicism. (Curiosity or flat out desperation, by the way, go a long way in opening people’s minds.) But I only have permission to open the Records of a willing participant. So if someone does not say Yes to this journey, then it’s a no go.**

So, as a reader, what do I have control over? Why, my openness of mind, of course.


Shields and boundaries

I consider shielding a vital, basic energy management skill along with centering and grounding. In April we did an overview of basic practices to protect us from being unduly influenced from outside energy.


First we experienced what the energy of walls were like. We all know people who are “guarded” or “walled off,” and perhaps we are, too, in certain contexts or in the company of certain individuals. I once knew someone who had walls that felt like a stone fortress, but behind that barrier I also senses a tender, beating heart. Of course, it makes sense. We only protect that which we are afraid will get hurt.

So to begin our exploration into shielding and boundaries we can practice consciously throwing up a wall or a shield. Go with whatever feels instinctive to you. Everyone has done this at once point or another, so don’t worry about how to do it or if you’ll get it wrong, because you can’t. If it helps, imagine that you are walking down a quiet street and you suddenly see someone walking toward you. This person is someone you would rather not interact with. How do you prepare for the encounter?

What does your wall / shield feel like? What is it made of? How big is it? What does it feel like to walk around with this kind of protection? How do other people react to you when you have your defenses up?

Some shields are heavy, some are icy (or simply cool), some are prickly. Anger is an entirely different kind of shield. Have you ever seen someone radiate such hot anger that people literally back away from him? It can be really interesting and fun to sense and observe the different ways we protect ourselves and how it affects those around us.

When I first did this exercise I found that I threw up a brick wall that was rather difficult to walk around with. Even though it didn’t look that big, it was cumbersome and heavy. When I shared this with my meditation teacher, he warned me that people can sense our defenses, and walls sometimes incite the desire to breach them. Not shortly after that conversation, something happened that convinced me to drop my practice of walling myself off. I was in a restaurant and raised a wall during a meal, and the person I was trying to keep at an energetic distance physically stood up, walked around the table to where I was seated, and got in my face!

It was time to use other tools for shielding, and I am glad to share some of those below with you.



WHAT IS SHIELDING? Earlier this year we went over grounding and centering as basic meditation and energy management practices. This month we added shielding to our tool belt. What is shielding? It’s something I believe we all learn to do instinctively when we are young. There are many ways to Read more…