When I was in grad school I learned how to ski and totally fell in love with the sport because it forced me to drop all my anxiety and focus on the here and now. When I picked up flying trapeze, I noticed a lot of flyers said the same thing, that they loved flying because when they’re up in the air they can’t worry about anything else.

We chase this feeling, putting ourselves in demanding—even potentially scary— situations because we think it affords us some kind of escape from real life. But here’s the thing: it’s exactly the opposite of what’s actually happening. When we participate in what we regard as extreme sports, we may be escaping the prison of our monkey mind, but the way we do that is actually by coming more into ourselves. That is why we feel so alive. We literally bring more life force into ourselves. We show up for ourselves. We show up for life.

It’s a sad commentary on mass consciousness that we spend most our lives so disconnected from our own inner flow that we don’t recognize the splendor of our own presence. Instead we ascribe the rush we feel to external experiences, being in our happy place, or being in the company of loved ones. When we choose to be fully present for an activity or let down our guards with our beloved, most of the good feelings we feel come directly from our own flow.

You are gracing yourself with your own presence. Breathe this thought in. You grace yourself with your own presence.

You can feel this alive all the time, regardless of where you are, what you are doing, or with whom. All it takes is for you to come more fully into yourself over time. Your happy place is within.

We aren’t trained for this, and our fear instincts cause us either to retreat into the past or project into the future. We regret things in our past. Or we get caught up in trying to create a fabulous future. We fear being overcome with negative thoughts and emotions in the present moment.

When these tapes play it only means you haven’t tapped deeply enough to find your luminous center that can hold space for all the choppy waves at the surface of your energy fields. You do this by taking your meditation practice off the mat. This year I am adding offerings to teach others how to do this. Contact me for details!


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