I’ve been getting poked by various people wondering where my blog’s been, why I haven’t been writing. I have reasons, I have excuses, but I won’t go into any of it here. Let me tell you what’s been popping at Minds On Fire, though, because although it’s been quiet on the blogging front, we’ve been wonderfully busy behind the scenes.

1. Emerging Leaders: I suggested that we launch a media campaign to advocate for youth transitioning out of foster care. I am the person who wrangles them for meetings, hurls questions at them, and ties things together. But in terms of the content of this campaign, it is all them. The overall theme is “SUCCESS”: how they define success, what young people need to be successful, how the foster care system measures success, and what it’s like being labeled a “success story.” All the Emerging Leaders have also chosen topics or issues near and dear to their hearts, and will be educating the public and advocating for change based on their personal experiences in care. Look out for our launch in September!

2. Game Plan: With the help of our wonderful interns and testers, we are running a second round of the Self Care quest. Game Plan 2.0 is much easier to use and more engaging. It’s a lot more fun for everyone involved, myself included. We’ve moved off the bulky tech platform we were using and depending almost exclusively on Twitter. This way, the learning process feels more playful and seamless with daily life.

I have other updates on my young people, but I’ll save that for another post. It’s good to be back and writing. Thanks for the nudges, dear readers.


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