Welcome, new readers, to my humble blog. I wish I’d had the time and the forethought to dress it up for the occasion of Diane Ravitch posting a link to my previous post.
In honor of national foster care month I’m sharing the Children’s Bureau’s new website for this year’s theme, Supporting Youth in Transition, a topic that near and dear to my heart. When I started exploring a possible career at the intersection of child welfare, youth development, and education, I knew next to nothing about foster care. “Foster care” evoked in me an outmoded, distinctly Dickensian vision of orphans and street urchins being taken in by charity organizations. How naive I was. Now I am committed in working to support older youth in care make their way into the world with a strong and positive self concept.
Minds On Fire was recently accepted into the Goodnik In Residence program at AlleyNYC, so come over for a visit!